Livyrinth is a small game about connecting discs in a maze where the walls are not as static as usual.

How to play

The goal is to connect the small disc to the big disc while passing through every medium disc  on the way there. However,

  • the small and big circle always connect through the shortest path possible; it is your job to make sure the medium discs are somewhere along this path
  • the walls will not stay put; they will fill up the empty space when possible and disappear when they gather up too much in a given spot

To achieve your goal, you have two tools at the tip of your mouse pointer:

  • left clicking will put down walls
  • right clicking will destroy walls

How it works

The main game mechanic, the living walls, is achieved by simulating the diffusion and reaction of two substances using the Gray-Scott model.  I got most of my information on it from this introduction to Turing patterns which does a very good work of explaining how the model works and why it was designed in this way.

Other resources that were useful while debugging my implementation were Amit Patel's notes on said introduction and Pablo Márquez Neila's fun-to-play-with implementation which gave me the inspiration to turn the project into a small game (you should try it out, it plays better than mine).

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Tagsmaze, Procedural Generation, PROCJAM


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Very cool idea, the living maze and cell machines are fun.

A really neat idea, super cool!

I can't recall a time that I had a game based around

  1. A living maze
  2. with automatic pathfinding to the end
  3. where you had to alter it to complete it.

Fascinating game, both for the procedural content as well as the game elements. Nice work!