A downloadable tool

TOWN is the result of the end of study project of a group of students. Our goal was to research existing methods used in procedural generation, to then try and show some of those methods in a small proof of concept.

TOWN's generative abilities revolve around four different axis :

  • Terrain : by parameterizing different noise functions, a heightmap is generated with additional trees, snow and water.
  • Urban planning : the streets layout is generated by displacing a Voronoï graph, and housing lots are generated along the roads.
  • Buildings : each building is generated by piling up rectangles, adding windows and displacing the walls.
  • Music : while visiting the village, music is generated via a combination of common phrases found in jazz music.

As our project was done within Unity, we decided to release our work as a Unity package under the MIT license. This package contains some assets from the Asset store along with our work, which is accessible via an empty scene containing our generators GameObjects and three Editor windows to change the parameters of the terrain, village and music generation.

Used from the asset store


Send us an email at pcg.town@gmail.com !

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorsDelca, Valtyr
Tagsbuildings, City Builder, generation, Music, Procedural Generation, terrain


Web Demo 14 MB
PCG research overview 2.6 MB
Screenshots 862 kB
Unity package 125 MB


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This is so amazing. Possibly the best town layout I ever seen for a procedurally generated town. Any chances of ever seeing this add-on updated for recent Unity versions?

Hi, it's cool. Will this work with latest unity 2019.4 or later!

Hey I was wondering would this work with godot to 


Is this tool and the resulting assets 100% Royalty Free for commercial use?

If CC, then who do we credit? Thanks.


Hi, no coin was spent for this tool. All used assets were free when integrated. Basically, it is under MIT license : You can find our names at the first page of the PCG research overview.



won't run no matter what i do.

(1 edit)

Hi, it is an old tool (provided in early 2015...); somebody comments our YT video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAHheFpwJsQ) to specify what to do to run it on Unity 2018+

Would it be easy to change what assets it uses to generate the city?

Hi, of course, you have to replace your prefabs to the visible field of gameobject with CityGenerator script assigned.

Unity shifted to WebGL and discontinued Unity Web Player. Please update the demo!